
Well, well, well…hello there. I say, you’re looking mighty fine today. Welcome to my little corner of the web, please make yourself at home. Nigel’s just preparing a crudité platter, but in the meantime, let me pour you a little tipple and weave the tale of ye olde WordPress blog…

More Courvoisier?

So this blog started out as a project for one of my courses in the MA International Broadcast Journalism program at Westminster University in London, but I neglected it for a while after starting up a full-time job at Applauze, as Head of Music Content for our app, Band of the Day. As of early 2015 (resolutions and all), I’ve decided to start blogging more regularly(ish). The majority of what I write is related to music, but I’ve also been known to blog about travel, food, media, and pop culture.

If you’ve somehow tumbled down the rabbit hole, and feel like getting in touch, just leave me a comment or shoot me an email at vanwestside@gmail.com. Unless you’re a Russian mail-order bride, or trying to sell me penis-enlarging pills. I don’t need any help in either department, thank you very much.

Well, friends, that’s about all I have to say. So I’m gonna hand it off to my right-hand man. Enjoy! x




P.S. If you’re curious about the header image I made…it’s JaRuler. Whoever taught me how to use Photoshop probably should’ve been warned. #MusicPunsGalore

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